December 20, 2021

No matter the age or stage of life, DZ Sisters are there


Delta Zeta Women's Membership Organization | Delta Zeta Sorority

December 20, 2021

By: Megan Parkman, College Chapter Director, Xi Rho, Clarkson University (Bottom left)

I joined Delta Zeta my freshman year before I knew many people and found my network. Kaitlin and I were on the same floor and were already friends, but at the time, I couldn’t imagine how important our friendship would become! Clarkson University is a small and quaint college in Potsdam, New York, near the Canadian border.  Many women had all known each other before joining the Xi Rho Chapter of Delta Zeta. After three years of being in Delta Zeta together, helping each other through hard times and creating so many great memories, I am so happy to call them my sorority sisters and my best friends.

College was one of the most rapidly changing times in my life so far, and without these wonderful three women always standing by my side or having my back, it would have been so difficult to navigate the challenges along the way. Now, as alumnae, we still talk via FaceTime dates every other month since graduation, a group chat to keep each other up to date on life events such as new job opportunities and both the good and the sad life updates!

I am so happy to have found my people, who continue to help me every day, even as an alumna, by showing up with compassion, excitement and sometimes a perspective challenge!

When I graduated in 2020 from Clarkson University, it was a struggle not to have my besties by my side – Kaitlin, the friend from my floor freshman year, got a job in New York City, another moved to Georgia, and one is now even in Florida! We are miles and miles apart but still just a call away!

Even after graduation, they have been by my side to help me navigate new situations. I bought my first car after graduating at the end of 2020, and my bestie (Sarah) was the one who drove me to the dealer and made sure that I got a good deal. She even picked out my car for me! She sat with me and helped me through the car buying process, helping me negotiate with the manager to help me get the best interest rates with her experience from her business negotiating class. The support never ends!

I recently chose to take on the volunteer role of College Chapter Director (CCD) for my chapter because I am one of the only alumnae living close to the campus due to my new career at the university.

Initially, I was invited to be on my chapter’s Advisory Board in the Fall of 2020 as the Public Relations Advisor. When our CCD role opened up, I saw a need for someone to guide our chapter in the continued growth and help them thrive. While I was nervous about stepping into this role so soon after graduation, I have found it incredibly rewarding to continue my connection with the active members. I love being able to show up and support them and guide them through all the ups and downs – as not too long-ago other alumnae had done this for me! One of the biggest incentives for becoming a Delta Zeta was the idea of how the alumnae network was integrated with our collegiate sisters. I enjoy being connected to the newer sisters and love expanding my network with them! I strive now as an alumna to bring personal connection and mentorship where I can in all my relationships.

This volunteer role has also given me and one of my best friends I mentioned earlier, Kaitlin, a new level in our friendship. Kaitlin also serves on the chapter’s Advisory Board as our Philanthropy Advisor. This experience has given us a new way to connect on a monthly basis through advising and supporting the active chapter.

My advice for new graduates is to lean on your sisters as a support system – they have gotten you this far and will always be there for you. Many who are graduating now feel the same pressures and anxiety as you, and those who have been there/done that – get it and will be a great source of support and knowledge! Use your alumni network, both from your college and the National network of Delta Zeta’s sisterhood, to help support you along your new journey.

Finally, stay connected with Delta Zeta, whether with your initiating chapter or reaching out to a local college or alumnae chapter to maintain connections and volunteer your time and experience. Delta Zetas are all over, and the best way to start making new connections with people is to find commonality – we have the best connection of sisterhood, so feel free to use it and use the Delta Zeta alumnae network!

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