Delta Zeta LAMP Editorial Guidelines
- All pictures and articles submitted are the property of Delta Zeta. They are subject to use and publication in all Delta Zeta materials.
- LAMP content is curated from all current story submissions, and some content may not be published in the print magazine because of space constraints. Member news and chapter stories may be featured in other communications channels, such as our websites, social media and electronic newsletters.
- Any photos submitted should be at least 300 dpi/ppi (usually 1 MB or larger).
- Most photos taken with a phone will be high resolution, however, “live” or HEIF file-type photos cannot be used.
- Photos may not include any drinking glasses, cups, cans or bottles, regardless of the subjects’ age.
- Opt for quality action shots and photos of small groups or individuals of two to 10 people.
- Photos of the Delta Zeta hand signs with letters are rarely used.
- Do not send copyrighted photos or, if a professional photographer has taken the photo, please get permission to use the photo.
- Photos may be used for speeches, presentations, the Delta Zeta website, Delta Zeta’s social media, an extension website, brochures and videos.
- Delta Zeta does not accept photo submissions in which subjects are not appropriately dressed.
- All photos should include the chapter name in the title of the photo. Also, include the name of your chapter/group in the submission, i.e. members from Alpha-Miami (OH).
- Include full names, if possible, of all members in the photo. Also, include social media handles if you’d like the chapter or members to be tagged on social media.