April 5, 2021
Written by: Marissa Steiner, Xi Iota-Muhlenberg College
My Delta Zeta journey began when my best friend/roommate, Emma, and I decided to go through recruitment together in 2019. I was so excited to meet new people and find a home, however Emma was more on the fence. I remember sitting on the floor of our room decorating our name tags for recruitment. We were supposed to use stickers that represented us, and, although Emma and I are so different, we have the same values. We wanted a sisterhood that would celebrate our successes but be there for us if we fell. They would accept us for who we are, laugh with us and we could surround ourselves with strong, brave, passionate and smart women. I was so excited to meet new people but was a little nervous. Having Emma there with me was so special because I knew she would be my side through it all, no matter what happened. I remember walking into Delta Zeta’s room the first night and seeing the girls jumping on top of each other and laughing and being loud and silly and I just knew that I could be myself and be accepted and these girls would laugh at my jokes and clap back with more. They seemed like so much fun and genuine that I knew I was home. After a week of talking to so many incredible women, we both ran home to Delta Zeta together at Muhlenberg College.
We had no idea what we were in for. Our friendship has grown even stronger, Emma is my rock and brings out the best in me. She encourages me to be my best self and to get out of my comfort zone. We served on exec together, as I was the Vice President of Philanthropy and Emma was the Risk Manager. We are now serving our second year on exec together, Emma as the Chapter President and I am continuing in my role as Vice President of Philanthropy. What amazes me the most is how life changing Delta Zeta has been for Emma. She has grown into such a strong and confident leader, she is passionate and inspires others, she constantly goes out of her comfort zone and tries new things and above all supports every single sister. As our Chapter President and I couldn’t be prouder to have seen Emma’s growth here in DZ. She went from someone not wanting to be in an organization, to taking on the role of President. She starts efforts and partnerships with other organizations in our community and puts the wellbeing and success of everyone in our chapter above herself. She embodies what a true Delta Zeta sister represents and she is going to do big things for our chapter and for the world.
This is what DZ is all about. Growth, leadership and friendship. I know I wouldn’t be where I am today without Emma. I am always supported, I have someone to laugh with and someone to cry with, someone to get comfort food with at all hours of the day and I have a home.
I know that I have a forever home and sisterhood in Delta Zeta and with Emma. I know we’re going to continue to grow and learn, while in college and even after we graduate. I know Emma and my sisters will always have my back, continue to push me and inspire me and succeed in everything they do. I know that Emma has been, and will continue to do, incredible things as Chapter President and I can’t wait to support her by continuing to run philanthropy events with her by my side. Graduating college and becoming Delta Zeta alumnae doesn’t seem as scary to me as I know I have Emma and we’ll be leaving making our mark on our chapter and the world. Delta Zeta has taught us confidence, leadership, support, passion and what sisterhood truly means. Even after we graduate, I know these are lessons we will continue to take with us.
Want to share your DZ Journey? Email your story to [email protected].