March 31, 2021
Written by: Natalie Chan, Pi Omega (Johnson & Wales University, Rhode Island)
Moving 2,651 miles in 2018 to a state I have never been to before was scary to say the least. I’m from a small town in Northern California which teens in the area refer to as “The Bubble.” A bubble was definitely what it felt like. I felt trapped and unable to broaden my horizons to meet different people and get exposed to other ideas and environments. Being from a small, predominantly white town, I was surrounded by people who always pointed out how different I was. This, in turn, molded me into someone who rarely spoke over the fear of drawing too much attention to myself. I became obsessed with how I looked because I wanted to fit in with everyone else; I wanted to become a so-called “white-girl.” I became a shadow, someone with no voice, only the will to please. But, after going through formal recruitment my freshman year of college, I found my voice. Delta Zeta helped me gain the self-confidence I had lacked for so many years and brought me out of my shell. I found my conversations with sisters to be genuine and honest, and it felt like we had known each other for years. They have lifted me higher than anyone ever has, and I never want to come back down.
I really didn’t know anything about sororities until I signed up for formal recruitment. All I really knew was what I saw on TV or in movies. I spent my first few months of freshman year locked in my dorm. I barely had any friends and was ultimately deciding if I wanted to stay or leave. I signed up for formal recruitment, not knowing what would happen. I was so nervous about being rejected. I let these crazy scenarios play out in my head, and my stomach was in knots. However, in the end, I’m so glad I decided to take a chance. Now, as a recruitment counselor, I tell interested women that “everything happens for a reason.” It sounds cliche, but in my case, it’s accurate . To have chosen, and been chosen by, a sisterhood that values diversity, empowerment and scholarship makes me feel so blessed. I felt my connection to DZ on the first day of formal recruitment. Conversations flowed so easily, and I found myself opening up more and more each day. I remember how all the sisters would introduce me to other sisters from California, which always seemed like the topic of our conversations. I loved how each sister would try to make me feel at ease and calm my nerves. They felt at home from the start, and I feel so honored to be a part of this sisterhood.
Before college, I was always too nervous about stepping into leadership roles or positions that hold a lot of responsibility. I hated making mistakes and was always too scared about messing up or being wrong. I let this insecurity and absence of confidence hold me back from really getting involved, and I regret it to this day. My sisters in Delta Zeta have shown me that making mistakes is part of the process. You will never learn or grow as a woman if you don’t mess up every once in a while. Their encouragement and support are what drove me to step outside my comfort zone. Thanks to them, I am fortunate enough to be my Chapter’s Public Relations Chair and my university’s Panhellenic Vice President of Recruitment. Over the years in Delta Zeta, I have learned to have more confidence in myself and to have more trust. I now hold myself to a higher standard and I understand what I can do if I believe in myself. Delta Zeta has shown me that I don’t have to fight my battles alone and that our sisterhood will always be a shoulder to cry on. My sisters had accepted me for who I am before I even accepted myself. They gave me my voice back so that I may advocate for topics I am passionate about, and ultimately, Delta Zeta has given me an endless support system that I will cherish for a lifetime.
Delta Zeta has already given me so much to be thankful for such as the most amazing Big, a perfect Little and so many friends that I get to call my sisters. I planted the seed of self-confidence within myself, and Pi Omega is the one who nurtured it. I have yet to fully bloom into the woman I want to be, but with Delta Zeta’s sunlight, I know I’ll blossom into the rose I’m supposed to be. My Delta Zeta journey is far from over, but I am excited for what the future holds and what is to come.
Want to share your DZ Journey? Email your story to [email protected].