35 under 35
Holly Weiss Delta Omega - Fort Hays State University
Assistant General Counsel and Policy Director, University of Central Missouri

Which of the Delta Zeta shared values resonates with you the most? Empowerment
How did you discover your passion for what you do, and what opportunities have helped shape your career?
I discovered my passion through higher education through my Delta Zeta experience. While serving as Chapter President, a mentor, Dr. Bowhay, mentioned that I could have a career in higher education which is why I chose to pursue a master’s in higher education. During my first semester, I sat on a committee for violence prevention work through my work with Dr. Brungardt, and Dr. Nichols, then Assistant VP of Student Affairs, asked if I would be interest in being her graduate assistant and doing Title IX work. My acceptance of that position had the most direct impact on my career goals. From there, I had many opportunities, including leading committees, attending law school and gaining relevant experience.
Who has been an invaluable mentor for your professional career? What did you learn from them?
Dr. Vince Bowhay: I learned much of my undergraduate and sorority leadership skills from Dr. Bowhay. He’s the first person who mentioned a career in higher education to me and truly shaped who I was as a sorority woman.
Dr. Christie Brungardt: Dr. Brungardt opened the first door into my work on woman’s issues that eventually led to my Title IX work and then law school. She is a force for good for women and victims of violence. Her passion knows no bounds, and I am so thankful for her advice and support. My favorite lesson from her is knowing that small-town girls can become women who change the world.
Dr. Keegan Nichols: Dr. Nichols was my co-supervisor during graduate school, and I specifically worked on Title IX programs with her. I model my advisor relationship with mentees and my professionalism off of her. She is a strong female leader in higher education, and I am proud to have worked for her.
Dr. Brett Bruner: One of the most positive mentors I had during my graduate years, Dr. Bruner still serves as a reference for me. I learned positivity, how to bond with mentees and the importance of supporting your mentees.
Andre Boyda: Andre is an amazing attorney who mentored me for five years through my law school and two years as an attorney while I worked for him. He helped me gain confidence in being a female attorney and reminding me that I AM a good lawyer.
What words of wisdom or advice do you live by?
Still changing for the better. It’s a lyric from a Taylor Swift song but when I heard it I thought, ”wow, isn’t that a great way to think about life!” I think it is so important to remind ourselves that we can always be changing for the better.
What is the most impactful book you have read, or podcast you have listened to, that relates to you professionally? What made it so impactful?
Professionally, I think ”How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. I read this book my senior year of undergrad, and it shaped my perception of professionalism and how to support your organization, which I’ve carried on through my education and career.
How do you make sure you stay connected with your professional network?
I serve on the Association for Women Lawyers-KC Board of Directors and attend many social events, symposiums and CLE’s in person in order to stay connected. I am also a member of NACUA and attend conferences, events and webinars. LinkedIn is also great!
How have friendships helped you professionally? Is there a friend (or Delta Zeta sister) that has been behind you every step of the way on your career journey?
My closest friends are Delta Zeta, but the two sisters who stand out the most are Alma Hidalgo-Blankinship and Stephany Rohleder. Alma has always been my voice of kindness and calm. She reminds me every day how to be a more kind and loving person. I feel so incredibly lucky Delta Zeta brought us together. Stephany is also one of my best friends and Delta Zeta sister, and an attorney, too! She is my voice of reason, the smartest woman I know and my biggest cheerleader. She GETS IT when it comes to being a lawyer, and I am so glad I can bond with her in our careers and personal lives.
What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?
Spend time with my cats, read, and try new food with my husband.