By Victoria Varn Pore’, Delta Alpha-California State/Long Beach
You know that feeling when you meet someone new and walk away saying to yourself . . . “I really like them!” I get that feeling a lot with Delta Zeta’s across the nation. Genuine ladies, eager to connect. My dear friend and sister Kathryn (Kathi) Greenway Jesse, Lambda Xi-Texas A&M, is no different and continues to be an inspirational sistership for me.
We first met during our son’s Boy Scout meetings. We chatted and socialized at each scout meeting. Then during my son’s Eagle Scout interview, we connected on a whole new level. He explained to his interview panel why he applied to some universities for several reasons, including a strong Greek presence. Being Greek was important to him, given the memories and relationships his parents had created. Kathi, a member on his interview panel, asked, “what Greek organizations do your parents belong to?” He replied, “My dad is a Pike, and my mom is a Delta Zeta.” Kathi replied, “I’m a Delta Zeta!” The rest of our story is history.
We chatted that week a few times, and our Delta Zeta connection was like adding fertilizer to our friendship. It multiplied and expanded to a different level! She joined the new DZ South Orange County Alumnae Chapter and got involved right away. We ventured to Founders Day luncheons, recruitment practices, Lamplighters events and a few colligate campus fundraisers. Way more than a friendship; she is a Delta Zeta a sister! Years passed, and we went to more fundraisers, parties and luncheons with my DZ little sis, football games and dinners with her DZ little sis. We traveled together for bourbon and wine tasting, including our hubbies and met up with more DZs along each venture. We continue to travel to rival SEC college football games, always adding a touch of DZ to our fun. Connecting with DZ ladies everywhere seems to be a theme for us, in stores, airports and finding DZ chapter homes around the nation, making our husbands take our goofy pictures, going to alum events, sister alum chapter tailgates, new chapter installations, music festivals and more. We do it all; traditional wedding memories, bridal showers, grandbabies, scrapbook weekends, our more adventurous tailgates, political fundraisers, house dedications, and taking DZ alum chums. We both adore our little green turtle mascot, so hunting turtle items is almost an unhealthy obsession. But we have amazing turtle serving dishes, towels, charms, and clothing to show for it. One day Kathi surprised me with a darling turtle handbag just because on my desk one morning. I immediately thought, “This is going to Convention with me for sure”
Reflecting on our Creed, I love to give, and Kathi is no different and gives graciously of what is hers. When it comes to DZ, she’s my yes-girl. No matter the place or cost, we always show up giving time, and she donates and explores even more with me, including auction items, and making DZ baskets. We even fundraised/donated enough to DZ philanthropy so we could go on a future Delta Zeta mission trip together. We support each other in business, faith and family, and play Quirke and pickleball weekly. All while we sip a little, cry a tad and laugh a bunch. The memories we have created will last a lifetime, but we have only just begun! Friends by choice, sisters by chance, Sistership for a lifetime! Thank you, Delta Zeta!