35 under 35
Freda (Ally) Hucek Alpha Theta - University of Kentucky
Doctoral Candidate, University of South Carolina
![Delta Zeta Women's Membership Organization | Delta Zeta Sorority](https://www.deltazeta.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/DeltaZeta-Icon.png)
Which of the Delta Zeta shared values resonates with you the most? Empowerment
How did you discover your passion for what you do, and what opportunities have helped shape your career?
I volunteer in the community for The FriendShip which is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving older adults in Columbia, SC who are aging in place and addresses social isolation and transportation needs. I also serve as the Co-Convenor for South Carolina’s Operation to Confront Social Isolation and Loneliness (SOCIAL) Aging which is a new coalition based on the task force and recommendations laid out by the governor of South Carolina. Working in the community keeps me passionate and dedicated to social isolation among older adults and informs my research on where the research gaps are and what work needs to be done to best serve older adults. I was also blessed to have undergraduate and graduate research opportunities at the University of Kentucky which helped me explore different research areas within public health and find my passion for working with older adults, social isolation and mental health.
Who has been an invaluable mentor for your professional career? What did you learn from them?
My mom has been an invaluable mentor for my professional career. She is such a strong, powerful and amazing leader in her work. She taught me that nothing is impossible and to go after what I want. She has always been in my corner through the ups and downs of my educational career, and I turn to her for advice and encouragement.
What words of wisdom or advice do you live by?
Whatever happens, it happens for a reason. I have lived by that motto my whole life. and it is always true. Even if the news was not what you originally hoped for, it happened for a reason, and something better is on the horizon!
What is the most impactful book you have read, or podcast you have listened to, that relates to you professionally? What made it so impactful?
The book ”Living Fully” by Mallory Ervin. She is from Kentucky and won Miss Kentucky and competed on ”The Amazing Race” with her dad. She talks about how to live your life to the fullest in whatever you do and that was inspirational and meaningful to me. My Great Uncle recently passed, and he lived by the motto ”give more than you take in life,” and I am trying to do that through my work in addressing mental health among older adults.
How do you make sure you stay connected with your professional network?
I am so busy right now working for USC and working on my dissertation that I do struggle with this at times. I occasionally post updates on my Facebook or LinkedIn, or I will send updates to my mentors from UK based on the work I am doing now to keep them in the loop. Those relationships are important to me so I try to keep in touch!
How have friendships helped you professionally? Is there a friend (or Delta Zeta sister) that has been behind you every step of the way on your career journey?
My chapter as a whole was supportive of me! They knew I was taking graduate classes as part of the accelerated degree program at UK, and they were always so supportive and encouraging. I needed that support because I was struggling to be so young in a master’s program and to take such a heavy course load. I still have sisters reach out, when I post updates on Facebook or other social media, with words of encouragement and support!
What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?
Spend time with my Cavalier King Charles named Henry and take a walk along the river. I also enjoy pool days with my friends to relax!